Brainjams: Rent an Expert
Looking to add something new to your technology repertoire? Maybe your stuck at a roadblock and getting frustrated? Maybe you have technical expertise coming out of your ears and want to share some of it?
If so, come on out to the Rent an Expert event next Thursday.
Rent an Expert is an event where people who want to help others do or learn something offer their services to the members of the community for a very small fee. All the money collected will be donated to a charity that is chosen by all participants. Some examples of what might be offered include: how to setup a blog, how to get the most from shortcuts in Photoshop, configure a Drupal community, redesign a Web site, customize a WordPress theme, create a survey, optimize AdSense ads, figure out tagging, how to shoot better photographs or just about anything really - even non-technical things like how to write a press release.
The event is co-sponsored by BrainJams and MindJet and will be held on next Thursday, June 15th from 530PM till 900PM in San Francisco. Please RSVP on the Wiki if you're coming.
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