Is It Almost Christmas Already?

Not that I'm complaining. I love driving around in December with my windows down. I'm just saying that if it wasn't for holiday parties, I might still be in September or October.
The local Title companies kicked things off last week with three parties in two days. Then the cookies arrived, which set the mood nicely.
Then this week our office Holiday party down at C'era Una Volta in Alameda kept the ball rolling & last night Chris Heuer and Kristie Wells came up big with a great party in the city where the Brat Packers showed up in force.
Mix a bunch of bloggers & a few drinks and the rumors start flying. The most intriguing one from last night centered around the Onion & Is satire attempting to go snark?
...And it keeps going. Tonight, Barry is having her Thanksgiving in December party. Keep your eyes peeled, I'm sure we'll be flickring it. (Update: Or maybe not)
Update: Looks like Chris broke the Onion rumor wide open. $5o per Feedburner sub. Breaks down to $25 per monetized eyeball.
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